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Customer Service

Repair parts

You can help us to process material returns faster. Print a RMA form and include it with the goods (RMA = Return Material Authorization form). In case you were already given a valid RMA number, enter it into your form. Fill in all fields (if necessary and possible) and make sure to provide as much detail of the error description as possible. Enclose the filled-in and printed form (with or without RMA number) as repair supply note with the consignment.

Repair supply note RMA

Customer data
Contact details
Parts/goods shipped
Parts *

Please upload images of your parts or assemblies in JPG/PNG/ZIP format.

Sample images:

What do you want us to do with non-repairable parts?

Please select an answer.


After submitting the RMA form, you will receive a confirmation email containing a copy of the form. Please print out the copy of the form and enclose it with your return.

Please send the part(s) to:

Herrmann Ultraschalltechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Service Department

Descostr. 3-11

76307 Karlsbad



Any questions?
We are here for you